We believe that all students will learn to their fullest potential in a safe, orderly, caring, and healthy environment. “Education cannot be effective unless it helps a child open up himself to life”

*  To be a model educational Institution that inspires a commitment to seek truth, knowledge, excellence, live by faith, compassion, and integrity in all the spheres of life.

*  To nourish youths as contributors to the society, assets to the nation and global ideal citizens.

*  To provide each child with the best possible standard of education to help him/her to be a well-informed, well rounded, confident, and caring individual.



“To Succeed in your mission, you must have single-minded devotion to your goal”.

“Learning gives creativity, creativity leads to thinking, thinking provides knowledge, knowledge makes you great”.

*  To prepare each student to succeed in a rapidly changing world and utilize a standards-based education that addresses individual differences and learning styles.

*  To empower students to take ownership and responsibility for their present and future learning by developing their academic, interpersonal, intra-personal, and technological skills.

*  Academic excellence alone can no longer assure success and happiness in life and career. BIS is committed to assure holistic development through providing authentic knowledge, skill development, and positive attitude from the early stage of a child's life.

*  Bengal International School's educational curriculum is able to help every child find his/her unique place in the world in alignment with the uniqueness that he/she has. In order to achieve this, the "Holistic development" of a child is of utmost importance.

*  To provide a friendly learning environment that will lead to enhance emotional intelligence, self-discipline, motivation, respect for peers, elders, community, society and for bounties of nature.

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